Technical Papers
- Navigation is Key to AUV Missions
- Nano-resolution technology demonstrates promise for improved local tsunami warnings on the MARS project
- Precise Acoustic Positioning During Offshore Oil Field Development
- Real-Time Tsunameters and Broadband Depth Sensors
- Bathymetry Optimized Doppler Re-navigation for AUVs
Paroscientific Digiquartz® Depth Sensors offer accurate depth measurements to 7000 m and are the instrument of choice in wave and
tide gauges, tsunami detection, ocean current surveys, seabed subsidence, inverted echo sounders, towed arrays, underwater mapping
systems, and construction and oil platform leveling. Sub-millimeter level high resolution pressure measurements are easily achieved.
Typical pressure sensors cannot compete with Digiquartz® Technology when it comes to precision, resolution, accuracy and long term stability.